Pick your pairing.
It’s a marinade. It’s a sauce. It’s both. Mix it with your hamburger meat, bake it on your salmon or make it into a glaze. The possibilities are endlessly delicious.

Soy Vay® Veri Veri Teriyaki® Marinade & Sauce
Creating absurdly loyal teriyaki fans since it graced its first stir-fry in the ’80s, our award-winning Veri Veri Teriyaki® ...

Soy Vay® Veri Veri Teriyaki® Less Sodium Marinade & Sauce
25% less sodium, but all the same high-quality foodstuff that makes the original Veri Veri so dang tasty: ginger, garlic and...

Soy Vay® Island Teriyaki Marinade & Sauce
This pineapple and onion infused concoction is so sublimely seasoned, it’s like a luau in a bottle.

Soy Vay® Hoisin Garlic Marinade & Sauce
Never one to be out-sauced, our supremely satisfying hoisin garlic blend (Soy Vay’s very first sauce, circa 1982!) likes to ...